Join Michael G. Reccia (trance medium for the Joseph Communications, Co-founder of the World Meditation Alliance and Trustee at the Sanctuary of Healing) for his free Step-by-step Course in Higher Consciousness Living.
Over Six modules, Michael guides you precisely and easily through the safe and effective techniques he’s learnt and taught during forty-plus years spent as a medium, offering you the opportunity to expand your consciousness, raise your vibration and express and live who and what you really are.
Embark on this liberating spiritual journey in your own time, and at your own pace, by accessing the Modules below.

Topics include:
- Effective Meditation and visualisation
- Creating your own inner sanctuary and ‘healing room’
- Working with Light
- Accessing your heart-mind
- Finding inner guidance
- Healing yourself, others and our world
- Connecting with higher realities.
- Guided Joseph Communications meditations and in-depth examinations of the key themes of the Joseph books
Module 1. Introduction: A New Beginning
Join Michael G. Reccia (trance medium for the Joseph Communications, Co-founder of the World Meditation Alliance and Trustee at the Sanctuary of Healing) for his free spiritual development course in Higher Consciousness Living.
Module 2. The Inner Sanctuary Workshop
Introducing the Inner Sanctuary workshop. Create an inner sacred space you can visit regularly to heal, meditate, contemplate, address life’s challenges and connect to higher vibrations.
Module 3. A Change of Mind: Making the Heart Connection
Introducing six videos to put you in touch with your heart. The true centre of your being is not in your head at all.
Module 4. Managing Your Life from a Higher Perspective
Things will never be the same. Module 4. concentrates on the skills you can acquire and call on in order to successfully manage your life in a spiritually enhanced way in any kind of situation.
Module 5. Expanding Your Spiritual Communication Skills
Expand your spiritual communication skills in this 6-part module.
Module 6. Where to Now, Spiritual Seeker?
Where to now, fellow spirit seeker? These final 8-parts chart the road ahead.